Dust coating has been contracted at a rate of $1.00 per foot for the year 2025.
The preliminary install date has been set for May 20, 2025. We accept orders with payment after April 2, 2025, until May 1, 2025. Any orders or payments received after May 1, 2025, will not get in the order to the contractor and, therefore, will not be applied. You must do the following to be able to get your dust coating.
Make checks out to Acoma Township and mark the footage you are ordering on the check. Preferably on the memo line.
Include a detailed map with the address you want dust coated, which shall include the footage you are ordering. Include details so we understand what you want.
On the map you are including it must have a telephone number, a name and an email in case we need to contact you.
Mail the check and your detailed map to Acoma Township 23486 230th Street, Hutchinson, MN 55350. Make sure we receive the order in the mail before May 2, 2025.
We plan to order the dust coating on May 2, 2025 so plan to have your stakes out by May 17th and then have them removed on May 22. If this happens to change, we will post the change on the website.